Justice, Part 2A

“But let justice run down like water, And righteousness like a mighty stream.” Amos 5:24.

It is impossible for the human mind to encompass the plan of God. However, there is at least a satisfactory explanation of the necessity of the cross and the sacrifice of Christ.

It all lies in the infinitude of God Himself. In other words, God is infinite, and this puts the satisfaction of the debt we owe to God for our sins is infinitely beyond our reach.

How do you pay an infinite price for your redemption? The answer is you cannot. God, in His mercy, provided a way to settle the sin problem, once and for all, before creation.

Improbable as this sounds it is true. Never forget, God knows the beginning from the end, regardless of how long a period this happens to be. Not only this but He knows all that is going to transpire within that period, which in this case happens to be eternity.

The omniscient God knew that as soon as mankind came into being he would rebel and reject God.

With this knowledge, it would be pointless to create people that would just be cast into hell after a lifetime of futile existence. In spite of what you see around you, God does not create amiss, He has a purpose and a goal.

Any one of us would have a plan when undertaking a project whether it be building a coffee table or a corporation; people do not create with the intention of throwing something into the trash. Though we do make mistakes, God does not.

Here is an example that may help put this subject into focus. Let us say, it is Mother s Day, and a father and daughter say to mother, Since it is Mother s Day why don t you relax today we will do all the chores, don t worry about anything .

Well, the mother delights in this gift to her and she takes a nice hot bath, puts on her nightgown, and brews a cup of tea. She then settles down in her bed with a book.

She reads on totally relaxed and enjoying the moment, when she hears her daughter s voice, Mommy can I get into bed with you? Without looking up, momma says, Of course dear. As she speaks, she looks up and gasps, What happened to you?

The little girl replies, I was slopping the hogs and fell into the mud in the pen. Mommy can I get in bed with you?

The mother replies, Of course you can dear, but first go and bathe.

No mommy I want to get in bed with you now. The little girl insists as she draws closer to the bed.

Well, mother says, Let me take you in and give you a bath first, and then we can get into bed together.

However, the little girl is insistent, Mommy I want to get into bed with you now.

The point is this, if the mother lets her little girl get into bed with her covered in mud and hog filth there is no way she can be comfortable.

Yet there is no question that the girl s mother loves her deeply, this will not change.

God s love is far deeper than a mother s love and yet heaven would cease to be heaven if He was to let sinful men into it, rebellion, hate, deceit and warfare would then be moved from the arena of earth to heaven.

It is easy to see the depth of the dilemma now, but how to resolve it? Bearing in mind that sin is something that we brought upon ourselves, we made a choice to go our own way in rebellion against God.

Do not look at Adam and Eve; they simply made the same choice that we would have eventually. Whether we would have sinned sooner or later than them is moot, it remains that we would have sinned.

Nor does it matter whether it was over a piece of fruit or not, our parents were just the first to do so. People like to blame them; many people blame Eve as though it all would not have happened if it had not been for her.

The question is not what our parents did, but what have we done?

We need to take responsibility for our actions and realize that just as God s love is infinite, so His hatred of sin is infinite.

Perhaps we could make up for our sins by doing good deeds, and bearing in mind that we are constantly sinning while doing these good deeds. How would this work?

Let us say that we are building a stairway to heaven, one good deed per step. How many steps would this take, considering that it is 93 million miles to the sun, the nearest star, and many stars are trillions of miles away?

Trillions upon trillions of steps would be necessary, there would not be enough time in a lifetime to make it even a fraction of the distance, and then, just before you die you do something horrible in a fit of anger.

A lifetime of good intentions destroyed in a moment; God is not that cruel.

Therefore, you can see here that God is smarter than we are. He knew that if it were left up to us to maintain our salvation we would fail within a very short period of time; this is why our salvation is an infinite one.

“For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created n Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” Ephesians 2:8-10.

Justice, Part 2A taken from godisrevealed.com posted on 7-11-15, updated on 8-23-24 ck.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version, Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission, all rights reserved.

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