“There is a way that seems right to man, but its end is the way of death.” Proverbs 16:25.
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Posted in Christian living , commentaries
Tagged Antichrist , dreams , eternity , faith , good shepherd , horrors , Jews , Judgment Day , longsuffering , Muslims , perish , punishment , salvation , Satan , terrors
“The Devil’s best trick is to persuade you that he doesn’t exist.” from a short story by Baudelaire published in 1864.
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Posted in Christian living , commentaries
Tagged Beelzebub , deaf , demon , Devil , dragon , eternity , fallen angels , hades , Holy Spirit , infirmity , pervert , preach , ransom , Satan , terrorists
This second of two posts is in response to a question that came out of a prior 2-part post, dated 4-7-24 and 4-10-24, “Long Division”.
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Posted in Christian living , commentaries
Tagged accursed , adultery , baptism , compassion , doctrine , flesh , gospel , heaven , infants , Inquisition , Jesus , Limbo , love , Pharisees , salvation
Satan has managed to keep the world in constant turmoil since our parent’s first sin in the Garden of Eden. As you may have observed, he has managed to turn the world into a seething cauldron of division, anger, rebellion, murder, and greed.
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Posted in Christian living , Doctrine
Tagged blood , church , foolish , Inquisition , Jesus Christ , martyrs , pagans , peace , salvation , Satan , theologians , tribulation , ungodly , ungodly men , witchcraft
One of the most effective tools in Satan’s arsenal is the art of creating division among brethren. I have recently heard of some very popular pastors who will not speak to each other. Pastors!
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Posted in Christian living , Doctrine
Tagged Adam , brethren , deceive , divisions , faith , Godhead , Holy Spirit , Israel , Jesus , mockers , Noah , pastors , philosophy , Satan , ungodly lusts
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