“Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh for the lusts of men, but for the will of God. For we have spent enough of our past lifetime in doing the will of the Gentiles – when we walked in lewdness [incitement to lust or lechery], lusts [desires, not just sexual], drunkenness, revelries [drunks parading through the streets at night singing etc. in honor of Bacchus or some other god], drinking parties, and abominable idolatries.” 1 Peter 4:1-3.
“Beware, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God; but exhort [encourage] one another daily, while it is called ‘Today,’ lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin.” Hebrews 3:12-13.
The dictionary defines evil as, morally wrong; immoral; wicked. It could be something harmful or injurious; the synonyms though may be the best descriptions.
Depending on how it is used evil can be; sinful, iniquitous, depraved, base, vile, nefarious, pernicious, destructive, wickedness, unrighteousness, or corruption, to name a few.
“A worthless person, a wicked man, walks with a perverse mouth [fraudulent deceitful speech]; he winks with his eyes, he shuffles his feet, he points with his fingers; perversity is in his heart, he devises evil continually, he sows discord. Therefore his calamity shall come suddenly; suddenly he shall be broken without remedy.” Proverbs 6:12-15.
“These six things the Lord hates, yes, seven are an abomination to Him: a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.” Proverbs 6:16-19.